

PC産業において「OSにおけるAPI」が公開されて、その結果PC用アプリケーションが百花繚乱のごとく生まれたのと構造自身は同じで本質的には新しいことではないが、違うのは、中島氏が指摘するように、可能性空間のスケールの大きさなのである。 『ウェブ進化…


この文章における「配信」と「新しい音楽を生みだそうという試み」(創造)との違いが、ロングテール論における「負け犬」の集合体と「未知の可能性」の集合体との違いに呼応している。 既に「商品」になっている音楽を「配信」するのでは、ロングテールの効果…


第二章で詳述したグーグルの売上高の異常なスピードでの成長は、「参加自由のオープンさと自然淘汰の仕組みをロングテール部分に組み込むと、未知の可能性が大きく顕在化し、しかもそこが成長していく」という全く新しい事実を、私たちに突きつけたのだ。 『…

cumulative creationという点が非常に特徴的

Cumulative. Perhaps the most important aspect of this platform is that it encourages cumulative creation. It means that wherever and whenever creative activity occurs, it can be appropriated and built upon by others, further strengthening …


Creation. The ultimate purpose and significance of the platform is to support creation, not just communication or participation in sharing of interests. This is what makes it truly distinctive relative to previous generations of networks.

Software Above the Level of a Single Device

The PC is no longer the only access device for internet applications, and applications that are limited to a single device are less valuable than those that are connected. Therefore: Design your application from the get-go to integrate ser…

Cooperate, Don't Control

Web 2.0 applications are built of a network of cooperating data services. Therefore: Offer web services interfaces and content syndication, and re-use the data services of others. Support lightweight programming models that allow for loose…

Some Rights Reserved.

Intellectual property protection limits re-use and prevents experimentation. Therefore: When benefits come from collective adoption, not private restriction, make sure that barriers to adoption are low. Follow existing standards, and use l…

Network Effects by Default

Only a small percentage of users will go to the trouble of adding value to your application. Therefore: Set inclusive defaults for aggregating user data as a side-effect of their use of the application.

Users Add Value

The key to competitive advantage in internet applications is the extent to which users add their own data to that which you provide. Therefore: Don't restrict your "architecture of participation" to software development. Involve your users…


The lesson: Network effects from user contributions are the key to market dominance in the Web 2.0 era.


BitTorrent thus demonstrates a key Web 2.0 principle: the service automatically gets better the more people use it. *snip* There's an implicit "architecture of participation", a built-in ethic of cooperation, in which the service acts prim…


What matters is the network of social creation, the community of collaborative interaction that futurist Alvin Toffler called prosumption.


It assumes participation, not mere consumption. Our communication infrastructure has taken only the first steps in this great shift from audience to participants, but that is where it will go in the next decade.


The deep enthusiasm for making things, for interacting more deeply than just choosing options, is the great force not reckoned 10 years ago. This impulse for participation has upended the economy and is steadily turning the sphere of socia…


Linking unleashes involvement and interactivity at levels once thought unfashionable or impossible. It transforms reading into navigating and enlarges small actions into powerful forces.


At its heart was a new kind of participation that has since developed into an emerging culture based on sharing. And the ways of participating unleashed by hyperlinks are creating a new type of thinking - part human and part machine - foun…






未来のニュースのためのテクノロジーの本質は、この創発的な動き、すなわり「会話」を後押しすることにある。 ・・・創発とは、ある集合体が個体の総計よりも賢い、という場合に起こる・・・・・・集合体の相互作用の中から、どういう成り行きか、より高位の…

